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    Pain & Gain

    September 21st, 2013

    Je termine juste Pain & Gain et j’ai kiffé, très bon film avec les excellents Mark Wahlberg et Dwayne “If you smell what the Rock is cooking” Johnson 😉 C’est assez fun et apparemment tiré d’une histoire vraie, voici le picth “In the 1990’s, three bodybuilders, two who were personal trainers affiliated with the Sun Gym in Miami, kidnapped, tortured and murdered several people. One of those kidnapped was the client of one of the two men. Pain & Gain tells this story”. C’est Michael Bay à la réalisation et on reconnait vite son style, un bon mélange d’action/comédie, Miami style, j’approuve 😀


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    Nice look!!! (Acte 2)

    September 21st, 2013

    Jolie bishette + look sympathique = Approved by Cut :mrgreen:




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