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    Hello to You!!! (Acte 29)

    J’approuve ces jolies photos et comme diraient nos amis Loki et CoRsCiA, miam miam 😀

    Click on the pictures for higher resolution 😉 

    22 Réponses vers “Hello to You!!! (Acte 29)”

    1. Titi says:

      Voilà qui fait réchauffe surtout quand il neige en abondance 🙂

    2. Corscia says:

      Saluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut Nounouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    3. Loki56 says:


    4. Pouet² says:

      hey c’est copyright ! :mrgreen:

    5. Hug says:

      Hello nounou ♡

    6. bester says:

      C’est du lourd 😀

    7. july says:

      Eh ben nous pouvons constater que vous êtes pas super difficile

    8. Titi says:

      @July : On prend ce qui nous tombe sous la main 😀 😉

    9. Len says:

      Je ne suis pas fan pour une fois

    10. Yodan says:

      Life in plastic, it’s fantastic :mrgreen:

    11. En plus d’etre fan de Taiwaniaiseries, Yodan est aussi fan de Aqua :mrgreen:

    12. anyone know she name?

    13. @Andi: Her name is Min-Young 😉

    14. benoa says:

      Loki l’a très bien décrit : BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBSSSSSSSSSS O_o

    15. En manque de plastique parfumee au kimchi, je te la pique pour mes lecteurs. 😉

      Clarence, proxo

    16. @Clarence: Pas de soucis 😉

    17. @Cutkillavince: Thanks, but where i can’t find more picture of her. i search in google but i can’t find. can you give me a link?

    18. Arekor says:

      @andi andry andhi: Like you I can’t find anything about Min-Young. Their is lots of Min-Young but not the good one. So if some one have something. Thanks

    19. @Andi and Arekor: Min Young is just her first name, her last name is not known yet so not easy to search for pics using her name. I found some more pics yesterday however that I will publish, so hopefully, you will have some more pics soon 😉

    20. @Andi: Better late than never, her name is Han Min-Young 😉

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