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    G-Star 2012, le retour!!!!!!!

    On continue avec le G-Star 2012, enjoy les amis!!!! 😀

    Orange Caramel powaaaa!!!!!!! 😀

    Et la plus jolie pour Loki… 😀

    16 Réponses vers “G-Star 2012, le retour!!!!!!!”

    1. Corscia says:

      saluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut Nounouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus
      (sauf la derniere photo :mrgreen:)

    2. Bru says:

      Fiouuuuuuuuu que du lourd!^^ Sympa en ce dimanche 😀
      Mignonne la 8 !!

    3. HS: Joyeux Pepero Day a tous 😉

    4. Allez Lyon!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Gonalons!!!!!!!!!!! 1-0 😀

    6. 221 étoiles pour le moment à Angry Birds Star Wars… 😉

    7. Corscia says:

      j’ai po encore attend l’etoile noire


    8. Putain, but de Sochaux!!!!!!! 🙁

    9. Yodan says:

      Je ne savais pas que c’était la Plastic Week en ce moment :mrgreen:

    10. Match nul au final…

    11. @Yodan: Jalouse!!!!!!!!

    12. Tescolotus says:

      Pepero my day 😉 miam 😛 miam 😛 … merci! Cut 😀
      et dire que Loki a encore fait lui aussi son “chaud”! 😉 (preuve photo 5 & 7)
      @Corscia: +1 … mais t’inquiètes pas, Cut a mis Super Mario que pour Yodan :mrgreen: de toutes façons 😉

    13. Titi says:

      On est vraiment gâté, en plus pour bien démarrer la semaine 😀

      @Cut : Tu ne saurais pas le nom de la demoiselle en 3-9-14 ?

    14. @CoRsCiA: 239 etoiles, je progresse mais certaines sont pas evidentes a obtenir…

    15. Interessant, c’etait Pepero Day en Coree hier et aussi Singles Day en Chine 😉

      “”Singles Day” is somewhere between America’s Valentines Day and Cyber Monday, in that it began as a day to do something romantic (in the original Chinese event to get oneself off single status) and buy another single person a present or treat them somewhere. Over the past two decades, Singles Day has evolved from simply giving flowers and cards to another single person to include the larger population of “attached” couples and even to include shopping just for the sake of bargains offered for the event.

      This year’s Singles Day has eclipsed America’s Cyber Monday. Compared to the $1.25bn of aggregate revenues of US online retailers for 2011, the rough tally for Alibaba Group’s combined revenues (according to the parent company) for Singles Day 2012 topped $3bn and more than doubled those for Cyber Monday 2012. Singles Day is effectively the biggest online shopping day globally, positioning the Chinese ecommerce market to not only be an integral part of the global Internet market, but to also take on a much more significant role in the medium term as China’s average income is an order of magnitude lower than that in the US or Japan.”

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