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    Colony, je valide!!

    J’ai commencé à regarder Colony et cette nouvelle série promet beaucoup, les 2 premiers épisodes sont très sympas et on a vite envie de découvrir la suite, voici le pitch pour ceux que ça intéresse, perso j’approuve 😉 “In the not-too-distant future, Los Angeles has been invaded and occupied by outside forces, causing a rift between the city’s residents; some have collaborated with the occupation, while others are rebelling and suffering the consequences that come with that choice. Former FBI agent Will Bowman and his wife, Katie, must consider their familial obligations when making their decision because they were separated from their son, Bram, during the invasion. Proxy Snyder, a cunning and powerful leader within the occupational government, offers Will the opportunity to get Bram back if he works with the invading faction. Will’s decision doesn’t sit well with Katie, but the couple risk their lives — and their relationship — to protect their family.”





    Click on the pictures for higher resolution 😉

    11 Réponses vers “Colony, je valide!!”

    1. Arf, Anthony Lopes est bléssé…

    2. C’est la mi-temps, 0-0, Lyon joue assez mal, va falloir se réveiller…

    3. Et Bastia qui marque, incroyable…

    4. Quelle purge, Lyon est nul

    5. Corscia says:

      Bastia FTW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2B powaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    6. Corscia says:

      une bonne news pour toi, pour te consoler : The Rock a dynamité Mondays Night Raw du 25 et a annoncé officiellement sa participation a Wrestlemania


    7. Corscia says:

      Breaking News : Main Event a Fastlane : Triple Threat Match : Roman vs Dean vs Brok

      Le vainqueur affrontera HHH a Wrestlemania pour la titre !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. Toujours aussi bien cette série, j’aime beaucoup 😉

    9. Corscia says:

      Shane Mc Mahon pratique le Jujitsu et le Muaitthai … OMFG !!!!

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