Finding Naimo!!!
March 31st, 2011Kia vient de dévoiler son dernier Concept Car tout électrique en Corée, le Kia Naimo et je trouve celui-ci très joli. On devrait avoir plus de photos dans les jours qui viennent au Seoul Motor Show 2011 et en attendant, voici les photos officielles ainsi que 2-3 explications techniques/artistiques “Taking its name from the Korean word “Ne-mo”, (pronounced ‘Neh-mo’, meaning ‘square shape’), the Naimo electric crossover utility vehicle (CUV) was conceived by Kia’s international design team in Seoul, and is characterized principally by its simple lines and solid, muscular stance. The uncomplicated overall design is accentuated by a number of striking key details, such as the wraparound windscreen and asymmetric sunroof design, and the front and rear dot-style LED head- and positioning-lamps. This juxtaposition of simple and complex is a common trait of many traditional Korean arts and crafts. Asian Celadon-style pottery, in particular, was a major influence on the car’s styling – with the pottery’s asymmetric form lending itself to the sunroof design, and the typical jade coloring giving Naimo its unique exterior finish.”