SEGA, c’est plus fort que toi!!!
Le G-Star 2011 vient juste de débuter en Corée et voici un petit billet pour se mettre en jambe Je posterais plus de photos dans les heures/jours qui viennent donc stay tuned mais en attendant, n’oubliez pas que SEGA, c’est plus fort que toi!!!!
Firefall c’est plus fort que toi!!!…/20111110_50712eeaa939c017c66b077880ecce7f.jpg
Quoi que …
C’est vrai … SEGA, c’est plus fort que toi!!!…/20111110123736513a4_125030_0.jpg…/2011111012210337233_122951_0.jpg
HS: Apple cuts orders for iPhone 4S due to weaker demand
“BGR reports that after selling over 4m iPhone 4S in the first weekend of its availability, Apple now forecasts a weaker demand for the same in 4Q11. Reportedly, the company has slashed its 4Q orders for the device with its suppliers. The report’s claims that some of the production volume has been pushed from 4Q11 to 1Q12 next year in the wake of lower-than-expected demand and a shortage of key component supplies. According to some reports, Apple initially ordered in excess so as to maintain sufficient volume but it later cuts back on those orders to adjust for more realistic sales forecasts. Further, it is projected that Apple is likely to ship over 40m iPhones in 4Q11 primarily driven by the sales of iPhone 4S. BGR notes that Apple sold 16.24m iPhone in 4Q10 and 17.07m during previous quarter”
@Cut & Hug : J’approuve!
Cadeau pour Masa
Et sinon à quand les jolies filles ?
@Pouet: Si pour toi, jolies filles=Wonder Girls et bien, t’es pas pret d’en voir sur mon blog
@Cut: Et moi, et moi ? J’veux aussi un cadeau comme ça