Le lundi c’est permis!!!!
C’est lundi, il fait beau, on regrette le week-end et on a hâte que la semaine se termine… Encore 5 jours à travailler, ou 2 pour CoRsCiA et Masa, nos amis fonctionnaires, alors pour vous aider à patienter jusqu’à vendredi, voici un petit remontant made in Cut courtesy of Maxim Korea avec la ravissante Yuk Seon-Hwa Allez les amis, courage!!!
Les puristes se souviennent d’elle, n’est ce pas?
J’ai pas changé d’avis, elle a toujours une drôle de tête
Je suis avec Pouet sur ce coup là, surtout les 2 premières photos…
@xnnc: je serais presque d’accord mais en fait quand tu regardes par rapport a l’autre fois c’est surtout aussi une question de mauvaise coiffure ce coup ci!
Moi je l’aime bien
@Goon: +1

@All: Y’a du haut niveau chez AkihabaraNews
Hé mon SMS devait rester secret
Article tres interessant le magazine Wired de ce mois-ci
Mimi tout plein
@Tescolotus : mouaiff, bof, coiffure ou pas coiffure
HS: Pouet se lance dans la pub
Quelques blagues made in Finland
Benoa devrait apprecier
An American, a Finn and a Swede are in the sauna together. Suddenly there is a “beep beep” sound, and the American starts to look at the palm of his hand.
“What are you doing?” asks the Finn. The American replies
“This is the latest Motorola technology. I’ve got my pager embedded in the palm of my hand, so I don’t have to carry it around any more.”
Then the familiar old Nokia ring tone is heard, and the Finn starts looking at the palm of his hand.
“What are you doing?” ask the other guys. The Finn replies
“This is the latest Nokia technology. I’ve got my mobile phone embedded in the palm of my hand, so I don’t have to carry it around any more.”
The Swede thinks to himself that he’d better not be outdone by these guys, so he leaves the sauna. In a couple of minutes he returns, and there is toilet paper hanging out of his bum!
“What the hell is that??” shout the other guys in unison.
“I’m getting a fax.” says the Swede.
When Finns Speak, Everbody Listens
– it’s just that nobody else understands
By Bill Farmer (Knight-Ridder newspapers)
“Finnish is easy. All you do is tape-record English and then play it backwards.”
(quote from somewhere in Berlitz Language School)
The language itself is like the Finns themselves – it has nothing to do with Russia or Sweden, despite their proximity. Finnish, I think, was invented by an ancient king who commanded the people in his dominion to speak like him upon the penalty of death. The monarch’s name I shall give as Toivo I, or Toivo the Stutterer. It was Toivo’s lingual philosophy that ‘why use one letter when two or three would do.’
Take the word for cigarette lighter. It is savukkeensytyttimen, which is the reason why so many Finns carry matches.
When the Finns start a word they see how many foreigners they can weed out on the first syllable. Take the Finnish word for “93”. The first three letters are “yhd”. That eliminates a lot of competition right there. For the full Finnish word for “93” I would advise you fasten your seat belts and put on your crash helmet. Here it goes – “yhdeksankymmentakolme”. According to Berlitz, that is pronounced simply: “EWHdayksaenKEWMmayntaeKOALmay”. Finns have died of old age trying to count to 100.
Part of the problem with the Finnish language is that Finns don’t mess around with little bitsy words at all. If they are going to use the word “the” or “a” or “by” they just stick it onto a nearby word as an ending.
And don’t think you are going to get away with not pronouncing every letter, either. Nothing is wasted in Finnish. Sometimes, when they use a couple or three vowels in a row, they’ll put two little dots over the tops of some of them just to break the monotony. Those little dots mean something. In the word “pencil sharpener”, which is spelled “kynanteroittin”, they put two little dots over the “a” and that means it is pronounced like an “a” and an “e” slopped together. It also means that you are going to find a lot of dull pencils in Finland. It is the only language I know of where phonetic spelling is more complicated than regular spelling. To say “pencil sharpener” in Finnish, for example, you should start with a bottle of good Finnish beer. Take a deep breath, roll back your eyes and say:
KEWnae (run the “a” and “e” together now, remember?) nTAYR (stop here and have a sip of beer) roa (then comes a very, very small “i” that fools a lot of people, but, without it the word means “spinach” or something entirely ddifferent from “pencil sharpener”) ttin (more beer, please).
Okay, all together now:
There now, wasn’t that easy? Where’s the bottle opener?
During a recent visit of Finland I never saw a crossword puzzle. The papers weren’t large enough to cover both horizontal and vertical I guess.
The word for “no” is “aye”, which means yes in English, and the word “hyvaa” (with two little dots side by side over both “a”‘s or “ae-ae”) means hello or goodbye depending on what direction you’re going.
Now the word for “yes” is simple. It is “kylla”. The trouble is, nobody uses it. They all say “joo” or “yoa” or “yo”, which naturally, is not Finnish at all, but is Swedish. To say “yes, yes” they all say “yo-yo”. I can’t imagine what the finnish word for “yo-yo” is, but it must be dandy-dandy.
Finnish is related to Hungarian by a previous marriage. That’s why the second language of Finland is, of course, Swedish. Everyone speaks English, however, so don’t worry if you ever go there.
For an emergency, I tried to learn the Finnish expression for “Get me a doctor, quick”, which is “noutakaa nopeasti laakari”, but by the time I memorized it I was well again.
@Xnnc: elle a pris aussi du poids depuis la derniere fois… enfin Masa pourra pas dire qu elle est mistral… on la lui reserve

Tescolotus (a deja) dit: avril 10,2011 à 10:20 Interlude SMS 2011 (Acte 5)
@Cut & All: en Extra voici un resume complet du dernier Bangkok Motor Show ici:
plus de 80 pages avec photos de voitures et de miss aussi pour les amateurs!!!
Pas mal la pub de Pouet mais j ai cru que c’etait pour Michelin avant d etre pour Ford
@Cutkillavince : houla, trop long à lire ton truc
@Tescolotus : Rien n’y fait, j’aime po.
Elle a une salle tête, j’ai vu beaucoup mieux aux TGS ^^.
@Masa: Fais peter les photos!!!!!!!!
Les blagues sur la Finlande m’ont bien fait rire ! Mais il y a un avantage au finnois, c’est que ça se prononce toujours comme ça s’écrit. Les règles sont nombreuses et compliquées, mais il y a peu d’exception. Yhdeksankummentakolme : yhdeksan = neuf, kummenta = dix (kymmenen) et kolme = trois. C’est quand même plus logique que quatre-vingt-treize -_-. C’est facile à prononcer rooh. Cela dit je suis d’accord que c’est une langue très compliquée à apprendre xD
@Maud: Quand mon collegue Finlandais parle, j’ai toujours envie de lui crier “A tes souhaits” apres chaque mot
Selon moi, cela ne vient pas forcément du finlandais mais à son interlocuteur qui a peut-être des difficultés à le comprendre.
miam ! elle fait les outcalls ?

Ohhh, un revenant!!!!!!! Ils sont vraiment planques dans la fonction publique, 3 semaines de conges en Mars/Avril, ca va tranquille
Clair !
Toujours aussi jalouse ce Pouet
@Cut attends, j’en avais 390 à trier, il en reste 200 au final.