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    Secret X Grand Mer

    “Grand Mer sait faire un bon café, Grand Mer sait faire un bon café” :mrgreen: Les Coréens sont marrants puisque HanbitSoft vient de lancer le jeu en ligne “Grand Mer” et comme vous pouvez le voir, ils ont pris 2 mots Français pour faire classe, mais au final, c’est pas terrible 😀 Heureusement, HanbitSoft se rattrape sur la promo avec les jolies Secret dans le rôle de nos pêcheuses, mimis comme tout, n’est ce pas? Et pour les puristes, voici la pub (lien) 😀

    Click on the pictures for higher resolution (wallpapers) 😉

    21 Réponses vers “Secret X Grand Mer”

    1. loki56 says:

      @Cut’: Pécheresse et non pêcheuse 😉
      Sinon, La 2nde et la 3èmen OK, mais, la 1ère a une jupe bien trop longue :mrgreen:

    2. Pouet2 says:

      Mouais :mrgreen:

    3. Tescolotus says:

      ah ah des que ca sent le poisson notre breton de service est au taquet! :mrgreen:

      @Cut: 4 miss comme ca le vendredi c’est sur que c’est permis? :mrgreen: sinon comment ce fait ce que ce soit Xay puis Pouet notre poulpe qui se fasse attrapper dans la video? 😆 :mrgreen:

    4. Official 😉

      Nokia today outlined its new strategic direction, including changes in leadership and operational structure to accelerate the company’s speed of execution in a dynamic competitive environment.
      Major elements of the new strategy include:
      – Plans for a broad strategic partnership with Microsoft to build a new global mobile ecosystem; Windows Phone would serve as Nokia’s primary smartphone platform.
      – A renewed approach to capture volume and value growth to connect “the next billion” to the Internet in developing growth markets
      – Focused investments in next-generation disruptive technologies
      – A new leadership team and organizational structure with a clear focus on speed, results and accountability

    5. Nokia and Microsoft today announced plans to form a broad strategic partnership that would use their complementary strengths and expertise to create a new global mobile ecosystem.
      Nokia and Microsoft intend to jointly create market-leading mobile products and services designed to offer consumers, operators and developers unrivalled choice and opportunity. As each company would focus on its core competencies, the partnership would create the opportunity for rapid time to market execution. Additionally, Nokia and Microsoft plan to work together to integrate key assets and create completely new service offerings, while extending established products and services to new markets.
      Under the proposed partnership:
      – Nokia would adopt Windows Phone as its principal smartphone strategy, innovating on top of the platform in areas such as imaging, where Nokia is a market leader.
      – Nokia would help drive the future of Windows Phone. Nokia would contribute its expertise on hardware design, language support, and help bring Windows Phone to a larger range of price points, market segments and geographies.
      – Nokia and Microsoft would closely collaborate on joint marketing initiatives and a shared development roadmap to align on the future evolution of mobile products.
      – Bing would power Nokia’s search services across Nokia devices and services, giving customers access to Bing’s next generation search capabilities. Microsoft adCenter would provide search advertising services on Nokia’s line of devices and services.
      – Nokia Maps would be a core part of Microsoft’s mapping services. For example, Maps would be integrated with Microsoft’s Bing search engine and adCenter advertising platform to form a unique local search and advertising experience
      – Nokia’s extensive operator billing agreements would make it easier for consumers to purchase Nokia Windows Phone services in countries where credit-card use is low.
      – Microsoft development tools would be used to create applications to run on Nokia Windows Phones, allowing developers to easily leverage the ecosystem’s global reach.
      – Nokia’s content and application store would be integrated with Microsoft Marketplace for a more compelling consumer experience.

    6. Tescolotus says:

      HS: amis de RIM,Apple,microsoft … c’est pour vous:

    7. Scarlett14 says:

      poissouuuu !!!
      Les photos sont vachement jolies ! (sauf la 2)

    8. Tescolotus says:

      @Scarlett: pourtant l’espadon ne manque pas de piquant 😀

    9. Il manque juste le poulpe et ces wallpapers seraient parfaits 😀

    10. Tescolotus says:

      @Cut: :mrgreen:

    11. benoa says:

      #3 pour les poignées sur la tête 🙂

      HS: j’ai vivement envie d’essayer Windows 7 sur un Nokia moi !

    12. @Benoa: T’es bien le seul j’ai l’impression :mrgreen:

    13. HS: C’est officiel, j’ai pris un E-PL2 😀 maintenant, je vais vendre le E-PL1 😉

    14. Goon says:

      Moi j’aurais dit #3 pour la longueur de sa jupe 🙂

    15. Goon says:

      Loki !!!! la prochaine fois tu m’invites à tes soirées 🙂

    16. Corscia says:

      et c’est quoi comme jeu cut’ ?
      c’est accessible pour les non coreen ?

    17. Tescolotus says:

      @Cut: j ai retrouve Xnnc et Xnnc dans la french touch action, Corscia fraichement sorti du barbier, Benoa, mais Loki je suis pas sur 😀

    18. @CoRsCiA: Un jeu de peche 😀 et je ne suis pas sur que ce soit accessible pour les non Coreens, helas…
      @Tesco: C’est deja bien si tu as vu toutes ces personnes 😀

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